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Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Parent to parent

Not usually one to toot her own horn (oh but didn't blogging change all that!), I'm going to do it today anyway. Let's see if I can come up with some good reasons for it. 

1) If you're reading this blog I'm assuming you're interested in our family and its particular version of multilingualism. The text I'm going to refer you to is all about that.

2) I'm going to introduce you to a website you may not be aware of and which, because of said assumed interest in multilingualism, may well appeal to you.

Have I got you interested? Let me tell you what it's all about: The website Multilingual Mania is running a series called "Parent to Parent" where they interview parents of bi- or multilingual children about their experiences and they recently sent me their questions. That's about it actually - you can see my answers at Being multilingual is part of the fabric of our everyday life. Hope you enjoy reading them!  


  1. I love that website! Thanks for the introduction!

  2. Great interview! Thanks for sharing!

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  3. Many people will get lot of benefits by reading this kind of informational stuff .Thank you so much for this .
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